Torres del Paine: 

Begins the tour through the Patagonian Steppe crossing, in the desert, from north to south until you reach the border crossing "Cancha Carrera" to enter Chile. The day is divided between hiking and the trip aboard exclusive 4x4 trucks Overland. The exclusivity of this tour, and the hundreds of hiking trails in the area, allows you to customize the walks according to the physical capabilities of each passenger. There are two breaks, one for lunch and the other for a snack. If the weather is Nice these will be taken outdoors. After the snack begins the path of he came back. Always keep in mind that everything in Patagonia depends on the weather and the physical abilities of the group. During the months of October, March and May, this tour, It only works Monday, Wednesday and Friday and children from 3 years old are allowed only.

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